Saturday, December 09, 2006

Blogging identities

Thanks so much for your quotes from James Paul Gee's book What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy in your "Educational Blogging: A Writer's Place" paper because they are intriguing for the work that Michael and I are doing on creating online identities, competent participants, and projecting oneself into a specific community. I will have to get that book and read what Gee has to say. I'll come back to this when I know more.

By the way, I think there are two different ways to understand the word "remediation." In composition work from the 1980's - such as Mike Rose's Lives on the Boundary -- remediation referred to remedy and remedial, as in courses for basic writing. Now, we use "remediation" to refer to moving from one medium to another - from, say, a book to a movie to a TV series.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Question about Response

If anyone is interested, I have a pressing question as I work on my thesis: How doesthe way we (as writers/students/teachers?) view response change when that response comes from writing we have posted on the Web? As opposed to the response we get within a classroom? I'm not even sure how to ask this. Posting writing on a blog opens us up to response from a much wider audience, so the awareness of this must change something in our attitudes about writing. I'm hoping there's a link here to my paper on educational blogging... I'm still getting to know blogging.